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BVSC team up with the Coalition for Efficiency to offer FREE training to Bexley community and voluntary groups. …
Share your views on work I have done over the last year and/or shape work for the next year at: https://www.bvsc.…
If you can't access Impact in Action's daytime training sessions, then get in touch to access video or booklet versions…
Normally the one hour 7 Impact Sessions are spread across 7 months and allow people to gradually learn and impliment,…
We've noticed some common themes with groups saying things like: 'It's so disheartening not getting feedback when you…
Understanding impact and creating quality funding applications go hand in hand. That's why Impact in Action's latest…
New mental health support service for residents NHS South East London CCG has commissioned Qwell, a free,…
Please check out our printable training programme for you to share with your entire staff team, all of our…
Exciting news! Bexley Covid Giving small grants scheme is NOW LIVE! Thanks to National Lottery players, The National…
Our next round of training for Impact in Action starts in the new year. Find out more with our tiny video here…
We have been working with the National Community Lottery Fund since July to explore a grants fund just for Bexley…
Launching today, ahead of the AGM next week is our 2019/20 Impact Report crammed full of amazing acheivements in…