Registration is closed for this event
Our volunteer fair is the perfect opportunity for your organisation to meet local people face to face who are interested in volunteering and tell them all about what you do. Our aim is to help local people to find out about current volunteering opportunities and to give organisations the chance to spread the word about the work that they do.


Please note that this registration is for voluntary organisations and charities only.  If you are interested in volunteering there's no need to book, just turn up on the day.

Any organisations wishing to be part of the volunteer fair must book a place in advance as spaces will be limited.  If you attended our previous fair then you will be placed on the waiting list to enable us to give a place to groups who have not attended previously.  When you arrive on the day please speak to one of our team who will help get you set up.

Each organisation will be given a table (or shared table depending on numbers) so please bring publicity materials relating to your organisation and opportunies.  You are welcome to bring banners and leaflets as well, and we will do our best to accomodate these.  Remember - this is your opportunity to sell yourselves to potential volunteers so please make sure you bring enough materials and information.  It may also be useful to bring a sign up sheet or diary so that you can capture people's details to contact them after the fair.

The doors to the public open at 12pm but you are welcome from 11am to get set up.  We will be allocating places to groups so please speak to one of the team before setting up who can let you know where your table is.

If for any reason you cannot attend on the day please let us know with as much notice as possible to allow us to fill your place.

If you have any other questions please get in touch

We look forward to seeing you!

4th October 2019 from 12:00 PM to  2:00 PM
151 Club Broadway
Bexleyheath, KEN DA6 7EZ
United Kingdom
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