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Bexley Volunteer Excellence Awards 2023

Bexley's volunteer nomination

It’s Time to Nominate Amazing Local Volunteers for the Bexley Volunteer Excellence Awards (Bexley VEAs)


The Volunteer Centre is so pleased to announce that, for the first time since pre-Covid, we will be holding our local volunteers’ “thank-you” awards in person this year, during Volunteers’ Week on the 7th June. This is to be an inclusive event offering opportunities for organisations to thank their incredible volunteers publicly, as well as for local people to nominate friends and neighbours for the “informal” volunteering that we know goes on in so many places around the Borough, improving life for us all. There are 7 great categories to choose from, so lots of opportunity to recognise different types of volunteering.


The evening will be a great opportunity to meet and greet, as well as to say thank you, and we are expecting many high profile people to support the festivities. The link to make a nomination is below, for both members of the public, and organisations. So jump in and get nominating, we’d love to hear about all the amazing volunteering that is going on locally. The deadline for nominations is 14th April. Over to you………

Please nominate here: Bexley Volunteer Excellence Awards 2023 - Nomination Form (


